David Barr


David is an NIHR clinical lecturer in Infectious Diseases at University of Liverpool and an honorary research associate at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the University of Cape Town. He has trained in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine in Glasgow, London, and Liverpool, UK. Since working in an antiretroviral rollout program in Kwa Zulu Natal in 2009-10 his main research interest has been in severe HIV-associated tuberculosis, which is the leading cause of hospitalization, sepsis, and mortality in high HIV-burden settings. He completed a Wellcome Trust Clinical PhD fellowship between 2014 and 2018 characterizing Mycobacterium tuberculosis bloodstream infection, working with the Meintjes group at the University of Cape Town. David’s research focuses on the pharmacodynamics, novel methods for quantifying mycobacteraemia, and statistical approaches to clinically phenotyping severe infection.