Carolina graduated as a medical doctor in Honduras before completing postgraduate training in Spain and working as an anaesthesiologist, intensivist, and interventional pain physician in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. She is the past President of the Honduran Anesthesia Society. In 2012 – in liaison with the University of Florida – she achieved the oximetry gap zeroing in Honduras as part of the WHO checklist project.
Carolina has represented the Latin American region as a council member for the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists WFSA since 2012. She is the Immediate past Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion DEI Committee. In 2020, she was elected as the Director of Programs of the WFSA, and in 2024 as President-Elect of the WFSA. She’s chairing the Volume metrics group for the Utstein2 Global Surgical Health Indicators project.
She is Assistant professor at the Anaesthesiology residency program of UNAH University, teaching trainees about interventional pain medicine; she is particularly passionate about education, promoting WFSA courses in the Latin American region, including EPM (Essential Pain Management), SAFE (Safer Anaesthesia from Education) Obstetric, SAFE Paediatric, SAFE OR (operating room), PTC (Primary Trauma Care), VAST (Vital Anesthesia Simulation Training) and VAST wellbeing module. She is a regularly invited speaker for international meetings in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.