Suchitra Ranjit

Speaker in Session 12

Suchitra was trained in Neonatal and Pediatric Intensive Care from Melbourne and Sydney and was the earliest trained Intensivists to set up several pediatric ICUs in Chennai, South India. Dr Ranjit was among the group's founder members who initiated formal Pediatric Intensive training courses in India. She was the former Chairperson of the Pediatric Intensive Care Chapter of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics and Vice-Chairperson of the College of Pediatric Critical Care, India.

Suchitra is currently the Chief of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Apollo Children’s Hospital, Chennai, which is a leading tertiary referral centre for high-risk pediatric trauma and cardiac surgery. She heads a much sought-after training program for pediatricians desirous of embarking on Pediatric Intensive Care as a career. 

Suchitra is an international task force member of the Pediatric Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guideline and Definitions Committee and was the past Asian representative of the Board of Directors of WFPICCS in 2020 - 21.

Her research interests and publications are related to improving outcomes from septic shock and dengue shock. She has several publications in international and Indian journals specifically on resource-appropriate modifications of international sepsis treatment guidelines.