50: World Sepsis Congress 2021 – Announcement

On April 21-22, 2021, the GSA will host World Sepsis Congress 2021 – Advancing Prevention, Survival, and Survivorship of Sepsis and COVID-19.

The WSC 2021 is an innovative free online congress bringing together 90+ speakers across two days and 15 sessions, giving trenchant talks on all aspects of sepsis, from the impact of policy, the role of artificial intelligence and big data, patient safety, and long-term sequelae through to novel trial design, the latest research, and much more.

The congress will be held in English and is open to everyone with an internet connection.

For more information on the program, speakers, time zones, and to register for free, please visit worldsepsiscongress.org

43: 2020 WSC Spotlight - Announcement

On 9 September 2020, the WHO and the GSA will host the World Sepsis Congress Spotlight: Sepsis, Pandemics, and Antimicrobial Resistance – Global Health Threats of the 21st Century.

The WSC Spotlight is an innovative free online congress bringing together 30 renowned experts from all around the world to talk on COVID-19, antimicrobial resistance, sepsis, and how they are all linked.

The congress will be held in English and is open to everyone with an internet connection.

For more information on program, speakers, time zones, and to register for free, please visit wscspotlight.org.